Diving Questions Topics

budding marine archaeologist, but never dived !
Hi gang, new boy here - need some advice & help if poss. Am about to emmigrate from UK ( yes Im a Pom ), and will be taking a Post Grad Diploma in Marine Archaeology at University WA. C...
Posted by Jay Added: 04 Jul 2004, 9:43 pm GMT 1 comment Reply added: 05 Aug 2004, 4:23 am
Open Water Location - NSW
Hi, I'm living in Sydney at the moment and would like to get my PADI Open Water within the next couple of months before heading up to Cairns in August. I fancy the idea of getting out...
Posted by Anne Added: 24 May 2004, 6:12 am GMT 2 comments Last reply added: 05 Apr 2005, 2:51 am
Hi all I have been diving all of my life, but qualified in 1985 by undertaking a course with FAUI and NQS. I haven't advanced beyond open water because I only dive recrea...
Posted by Stu Added: 17 May 2004, 1:47 am GMT 3 comments Last reply added: 12 Jan 2005, 2:06 pm
HOw to dive?
Halo!i m a 16 years old girl from hongkong. im doing a project on scuba diving... Unfortunately, i cannot find any information ...
Posted by cath* Added: 15 May 2004, 4:54 am GMT 4 comments Last reply added: 23 May 2004, 7:37 am
I am in a position to see reports of dive "incidents" occuring during courses. A recent incident quoted the student as having experienced a "caustic cocktail". I could not find anything ...
Posted by marty olson Added: 13 Apr 2004, 12:19 am GMT 1 comment Reply added: 12 May 2004, 4:37 am
Scuba for Kids
Hi Guys I organised my 11 year old daughter a Bubble Makers course at the local dive shop recently. She absolutely loved it. They took her into the ocean (not a swimming pool) an...
Posted by Mongrel Added: 16 Mar 2004, 2:13 am GMT 1 comment Reply added: 02 May 2004, 1:26 am
Advance Course?
Hi Guys I'm new to this discussion forum so I'm unsure whether this has been brought up before. The other day I couldn't dive with the usual people I dive with so I joined anothe...
Posted by Mongrel Added: 06 Feb 2004, 3:42 am GMT 5 comments Last reply added: 20 Mar 2005, 9:23 am
Dive Work in Australia
Hello, I am not necessarily new to diving but am looking to make a step into the dive industry. I am a UK resident but have been living and working in Sydney for the last...
Posted by Marc Added: 05 Feb 2004, 8:05 am GMT No comments yet
Dive Jobs
I am looking to get a job doing something dive related after i finish my HSC in NSW in November '04 and was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to go about getting one and where to go. I am curre...
Posted by Paul Added: 27 Oct 2003, 2:55 am GMT 3 comments Last reply added: 02 Nov 2003, 4:24 am
passionate without a clue
im interested in the types of careers as a diver/at sea. i would like to eventually film/observe/interact with sea animals both in an educational & artistic sense. to begin with though ...
Posted by sam Added: 03 Sep 2003, 4:29 am GMT 6 comments Last reply added: 25 Jan 2004, 10:38 pm

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Minke WhalesMinke Whales
For the months of May thru August this year, divers will have the opportunity to experience the thrill of a lifetime by diving and snorkelling with minke whales. These graceful and magnificent creatures make an annual northerly trek from the Antarctic seas to the warm waters of the Great Barrier Reef ...
Diving GlossaryDiving Glossary
Have a look through our extensive glossary and find out what some of those tricky terms and abbreviations you keep hearing are all about.
Underwater Card 2