My buddy Greg and I decided through the week that we would dive the Rockingham wreck trail first thing Saturday morning. The first critter to say "Good Morning" to me was the owner of this blooming brachia - Hypselodoris infucata. Rockingham, Western Australia. Photocomp March '09 - Novice...
This photo was taken whilst cage diving in Sth Australia. This 4.5m Great White was going up for the Tuna snacks. Neptune Islands (Out from Port Lincoln), South Australia. Photocomp February '09 - Open...
A Baby Cuttlefish about to hatch - we watched as moments later it hatched and swam away, changing colour as it went...only to be promptly eaten by a large Angelfish! Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Photocomp February '09 - Open...
How in god's name could "HE" have created such wonderful place and then kept it hidden away from all us mortals for so long? The crystal clear water, schools of big fish and warm tropical days all concealed from the world simply by a 12-hr flight back in time.
I thought my eyes were deceiving me. All I could make out was a little white fish resembling a seahorse, no bigger than a 50-cent piece. Yet it was so elaborately disguised I literally bumped into it head first.....