A New Year's Dive

I'm looking at bringing my girlfriend to Australia next year and spending new year's (Dec 2010- Jan 2011) enjoying the area and scuba diving. Are there any trips or packages for such an occasion? Thanks.

Contributed by StephenB added 2009-12-01

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StephenB added 2009-12-01

Oh and by the way, we'll be learning to scuba next year to get ready for the big trip.

DamonA added 2012-03-26

Don't do this for your honeymoon!

Go to Byron bay, get your certs there from Sundive. You'll will never regret it.

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Razor SharpRazor Sharp
I was set for Lady Elliot Island. I had just finished my Open Water Course and was ready to finally embark on my first diving holiday. My friend Megan had joined me as she had finished her course as well and we were lucky to get a great deal over Easter ...
Underwater Card 2