underwater australasia Photo Competition 2008-09 Winners

underwater australasia is very excited to announce the BIG WINNERS of our 5th annual Photo Competition. In a tough year of competition we have seen some amazing entries from all over the world. 1000s of photographs were entered, many of them are in the underwater gallery now ... but only 12 in each category could make it to the finals. And only 3 of those 12 could win.

Please thank our esteemed judges Mathieu Meur, co-author of a number of very popular underwater photography books, Richard Vevers form the Underwater Australia Gallery, as well as the Underwater Team score. The judges decisions we pretty clear this year - the OPEN winner got the top score from ALL judges - this has never happened before.

See all winners at


Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2009-09-04

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Fantasea AustraliaFantasea Australia
Fantasea Line is an international company that has been involved in diving, water sports and photographic industries for nearly 40 years.


Tasmania - Bound for AdventureTasmania - Bound for Adventure
One look at the prognostic weather chart told me that we would not sail on schedule. The forecast was for 30 knot north-westerlies with gusts to 45 knots through out the night and for the next 24 hours.
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