uss coolidge

im going to vanuatu for 9 days in july can someone tell me the most cost effective place to stay in santas with the mrs that isnt gonna stress out my wallet, im keen top dive the uss cooligde but dont want to get ripped off -- will dive port villa for a couple of days, any tips

Contributed by paulB added 2009-02-04

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DavidB added 2009-06-20

Hey mate, Are you taking the bride or just your self? Have you booked yet. Just got back from Santo in May. Will help with where to eat and what to do, if you want.

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Fantasea AustraliaFantasea Australia
Fantasea Line is an international company that has been involved in diving, water sports and photographic industries for nearly 40 years.


A Turtle Nursery At WakatobiA Turtle Nursery At Wakatobi
Sea Turtles can live to be 100 years old, but most don’t survive their first few days. In the wild, the tiny hatchlings typically encounter a gauntlet of predators as they hatch and make their way from beachside nests to open water, and they remain especially vulnerable those first few months of life. When nature is in balance, this attrition is a normal part of the circle of life. But when turtles become threatened by factors such as habitat loss, or predators like fish and birds, they may need a little extra help to maintain a normal population. This is where Wakatobi Dive Resort has stepped in.
Underwater Card 2