Register for International Cleanup Day 20 September 2008

International Cleanup Day 2008 - Get Involved today. Hundreds of volunteers are needed to help remove trash from Australia’s beaches and underwater environments. Cleanups raise awareness about the serious ecological impact of marine debris and the data collected helps to find solutions for this ongoing challenge.

“We are so grateful for the large number of volunteers for International Cleanup Day 2007; Australia held 46 cleanup events last year. We challenge all divers and water enthusiasts to make 2008 a bigger, better and more successful event and take our fundraising challenge. Ocean cleanups are about having fun while making a vital difference to our marine environments,” said Mike Holme, Associate Director Project AWARE Foundation Australia.

Get Involved Today: Project AWARE is calling on all divers, snorkelers and water enthusiasts to get involved in International Cleanup Day on 20 September 2008 by organizing a cleanup event, volunteering, fundraising or making a donation. Go to Project AWARE’s website to get involved.

Cleanup Coordinators Register Now: Promotional materials including the Beach and Underwater Cleanup Guide on CD-ROM, data cards, event posters, certificates and special International Year of the Reef 2008 information are available to Cleanup coordinators.

Take the Project AWARE Cleanup Fundraising Challenge: Project AWARE relies on fundraisers to keep programs buoyant! As a registered non profit environmental organisation Project AWARE depends on the support of dedicated divers and water enthusiasts to help raise funds for marine conservation.

For International Cleanup Day 2008, help raise funds for the underwater issues that concern you by taking the Project AWARE Cleanup Challenge! This unique fundraising challenge asks people to raise a minimum of AU$300. Make this commitment and receive twenty cleanup bags absolutely free. Sponsored by Scubapro the cleanup bags are the perfect accessory to encourage everyone to dive AWARE and remove rubbish every time they dive!

Fundraisers can be as simple as having a cleanup day BBQ, auction or raffle. Much needed funds support Project AWARE’s ongoing conservation projects. To register visit

Five Ways Fundraising Helps:

1. $25 gives a team of volunteer divers a cleanup kit to remove damaging marine debris 2. $300 empowers 300 eco tourists to minimize their impact on our ocean planet 3. $500 supports Project AWARE’s critical work to cleanup our oceans at two aquatic locations 4. $1000 inspires future generations providing 20 classrooms with AWARE Kids resources 5. $2500 helps protect marine species with funding for one grassroots conservation project

Volunteers Inquire Online: Check out the Project AWARE website to locate your closest cleanup event. Every person at International Cleanup Day 2008 will make a huge difference.

Make a Difference: On International Cleanup Day 2007 a record number of cleanup events took place across the globe with 378,192 volunteers from 76 countries collecting well over 2.67 million kilos of debris. Project AWARE Foundation leads the underwater effort for International Cleanup Day in partnership with the Ocean Conservancy and last year alone, 8312 divers participated in the underwater freeing of 237 entangled animals.

“Fundamentally, the ocean is the life support system for our planet… and sadly our ocean is sick,” said Vikki Spruill President and CEO, Ocean Conservancy.

Did you know that every year an estimated seven billion tons of debris enter the world’s oceans? Nearly 90 percent of all marine debris is plastic. In some parts of the ocean, plastics outweigh plankton, the base of the marine food web, six to one! Plastics do not biodegrade, they remain for centuries.

Why is all this litter such a concern? The consequences are devastating as nearly one million birds are killed by aquatic litter each year. Also, an estimated 100,000 marine animals including dolphins, whales and sea turtles choke or get tangled in debris every year.

Cleanups are Fun! From kids to grown ups, divers to marine biologists, snorkelers to beach walkers, everyone gets dirty for a good cause. Blending fun activities with environmental conservation gives you the ultimate feel good factor so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience.

Feel Good Factor: International Cleanup Day’s feel good factor can’t be matched! It’s the biggest and best way for you to share your concern for the environment and encourage others to do the same. Project AWARE is calling on divers, snorkelers and water enthusiasts to get involved in this year’s cleanup on 20 September, 2008.

Together We Can Make a Difference! Project AWARE Foundation is a registered nonprofit organisation working with divers to conserve underwater environments through education, advocacy and action. Project AWARE is calling for increased participation in conservation events this year to celebrate International Year of the Reef. Visit to make a lasting difference.

Contributed by Joanne Marston added 2008-07-09

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