Trying to Contact Ian James

Hello everyone,

I was just in Cozumel, Mexico for 2 weeks. I flew out in early November and met Mr. Ian James from Australia in the line waiting to go through customs at the airport. (We were the last 2 people off the plane.) He mentioned he had attended the DEMA show in Orlando, FL and then decided on a week of diving in Cozumel, Mexico. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to him and wished I had gotten the name of his dive shop in Australia..I believe he said it was in Sydney. If anyone knows him can you please give me his contact information or, pass my e-mail onto him? I'd love to see how he enjoyed the diving in Cozumel. My e-mail is: Thank you so much!


Contributed by DeLetaG added 2007-11-24

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Tim Hochgrebe added 2007-11-25

He owns



Tim Hochgrebe

Dive in, Explore ... and Save!

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So you thought the Ocean had marvellous creatures to see!So you thought the Ocean had marvellous creatures to see!
In 2003 having been dry for the bulk of  a number of years due to having  a young family I finally broke through and was able to get both my sons PADI accredited. Hallelujah, I now had an excuse to go diving ...
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