Possible 2nd dive wreck for Sunshine Coast in Australia

A Sunshine Coast MP has set his sights on acquiring the HMAS Tobruk, due for decommissioning shortly, so it can be sunk as a dive wreck near the ex-HMAS Brisbane.

Federal Member for Fisher Peter Slipper said the HMAS Tobruk would help develop the Ex-HMAS Brisbane Conservation Park as a world class diving attraction that would further boost local tourism.

“The sinking of the ex-HMAS Brisbane has put the Sunshine Coast on the map of spectacular scuba diving destinations, and the HMAS Tobruk would be a welcome addition to the attraction,” Mr Slipper said.

“The Sunshine Coast is popular with dive tourists because it is easily accessible from Brisbane and elsewhere and the diving here is spectacular; and the underwater experience is backed up by wonderful onshore facilities and attractions.”

Mr Slipper said it is usual for dive tourists to currently stay on the coast for two to three days while they completed dives on the ex-HMAS Brisbane. The addition of the HMAS Tobruk would encourage visitors to extend their visit even longer.

“For every day of their stay, these visitors inject considerable funds into the local economy. Not only to they spend money on the dive trips, but they spend money on accommodation, restaurants, retailing, coffee shops, movie theatres, taxis and much more,” Mr Slipper said.

“The addition of the HMAS Tobruk would add another dimension to the local dive park, making it an international must-see dive destination.”

More at the Sunshine Coast Daily:


Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2007-11-24

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