International Day of Protest Against the Japanese Dolphin Slaughter - Today 25 September

Japan Dolphin Day will take place on Tuesday, September 25th this year. It will be held at as many Japanese embassies and consulate offices as possible. The goal is to make this the biggest global protest against the Japanese drive fishery in history.

To pull this off, we need tens of thousands of peaceful protesters in front of Japanese embassies around the world. We are hoping that everyone who reads this message will be willing to participate. It's very important to contact your members, family, and friends, and bring them with you – ask them to contact their friends too.

Please note that this will be an all-inclusive event. In other words, the protest will not take place under the umbrella of any one group. The event will be carried out by all of us, on a equal basis. Each group represents itself and will contact the media in their city with their own press release. All participating groups can be listed in the press release in alphabetical order.

If you wish to participate, please get in touch with one of the sponsoring organizations listed in these cities, or contact me, Ric O’Barry for further information.

We are now more than 80 NGOs strong, protesting the worlds largest dolphin slaughter at 40 Japanese embassies and consulate offices worldwide -- the largest protest against the Japanese drive fisheries ever! Our message will be heard loud and clear all the way to Tokyo: STOP the DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER NOW!

More info at:

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2007-09-24

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