Dive Tax for divers in NSW resurfaces - 27 September

It seems unbelievable that a battle that we have been fighting and 1000s of letters we have been writing will apparently have to be fought again.

The NSW state government seems likely to impose a $30 per year recreational divers tax - who are they kidding ?!

Read the following news report that starts with ...

Recreational divers' pleas have been ignored with the State Government set to introduce a recreational dive tax.

For the full story go to


For those ion NSW, write to your local MP. For everybody else, watch in horror as this new way of revenue making will sweep the nation.

Contributed by Tim Hochgrebe added 2006-09-28

Replies of 3

SteveW added 2006-09-29

Tim, I saw that piece too and sent this off to some dive buddies (as you know!).

Maybe others can cut'n'paste it and give it a wider circulation...

--------------------------------------------- Greetings aquanauts,

The proposed NSW dive tax has reared its ugly head again, in an article from the Ulladulla newspaper.


I don't know where the paper's info comes from as I haven't seen an announcement on the DPI/Fisheries website.

The last we heard about it was at the close of submissions about (against!) the plan.

I certainly haven't seen it dismissed by the minister, Labor's Ian Macdonald.

Maybe he'll wait until after the March election to announce it.

Neither Minister Macdonald nor my local MP, Virginia Judge (also Labor), had the manners to even acknowledge my submission (a copy of which was sent to each), let alone reply.

However, a nice chap from the office of Opposition leader Peter Debnam rang me to say a dive tax was not on the Coalition's agenda.

Of course, this statement doesn't rule it out either, but at least Debnam's office had the courtesy to reply after I sent a copy of my submission.

The MP quoted in the Ulladulla article as being against the tax, Andrew Constance, is a Liberal.

Make of all that what you will when you come to vote next year.

Meanwhile, Minister Macdonald's email address, should you want to remind him how bad the idea of the tax is, is: macdonald.office@macdonald.minister.nsw.gov.au

Please circulate this email to other divers and send a copy to your NSW member of Parliament. (NSW MPs' email addresses can be found here: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/members.nsf/V3Home)

Keep fighting the tax!

Good luck,

Steve Walsh

:eek: [COLOR=Blue]"Yesterday being Christmas day the people were none of the Soberest." [/COLOR] -- James Cook, December 26, 1768.

AaronM added 2006-10-28

NSW Government! Nothing but a pack of thieves that revenue raise for there stuff ups! After the Lane Cove Tunnel toll, the new Tasman sea toll will follow. Tax upon Tax! Carr's legacy still kicking on and the Labour government's pathetic ability unable to negotiate deals with the community. Before you know it will be taxed for breathing air or swimming at the beach. All that money for diving will go straight into pollies big fat super accounts for doing sweet FA!

AngleireS added 2007-11-12

Just remember, it's the Federal that 'Taxes' the State governments, more so if they are an opposition government, more so if it NSW. I heard the TAX goes towards Grey Nurse Reseach like that incubation program. Personally I think it is better to protect the sharks at the source but we all know that Politicians and Fisherman are on the same plane. Personally I would see the $30 better spent on an Organistion that focuses on the 'UNDERWATER' world rather than politics...hey, everybody give me $30 and I'll build you great dive sites, grey nurse 'nurseries',sancturies and much more (maybe even a free set of dive knives)!


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