Lighting for Video System

Hi, Can anyone recommend a video light for our system? We have the Sony HC1000 and Amphibico housing. We don't have heaps to spend, so budget is important. Thanks in advance Em

Contributed by EmilyC added 2006-03-30

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ShaunH added 2006-07-31

Hi, I just bought a 24w HID Darkbuster light and Ultralight mounting arms for my housing. These are a lot cheaper option than buying the manufacturers lights. Being HID you would be able to get away with using one light on your video. There are some for sale on Diveoz at the moment for about $575 from the guy I bought mine from. The Ultralight brackets and arms would cost about $250 from any good UW Photo/Video shop.

CliffF added 2007-04-16

I've got the HID lights from amphibico and they are excellent Cliff

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