Southcoast Dragon 2

This is a discussion thread for the image "Southcoast Dragon 2"

Contributed by Jamie K added 2005-11-29

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PeterB added 2006-01-07

great image, what a lucky first dive for your partner, congratulations

The only bad dive is the one YOU MISSED; take something from every dive,an image to remember it by.

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Fantasea AustraliaFantasea Australia
Fantasea Line is an international company that has been involved in diving, water sports and photographic industries for nearly 40 years.


Razor SharpRazor Sharp
I was set for Lady Elliot Island. I had just finished my Open Water Course and was ready to finally embark on my first diving holiday. My friend Megan had joined me as she had finished her course as well and we were lucky to get a great deal over Easter ...
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