digi camera housing

hi all

i recently purchased a sony DSCP72 digital still camera. i was told by the retailer (who aren't involved in diving) that i could get an underwater housing for it. a little research on the sony website at a later stage shows that they stopped making the housing about a year ago. i'm not going to complain cos i got a great deal on a good camera. my question is does anyone know of someone out there who custom makes housings for digi still cameras? i havent had much luck finding anything.



Contributed by ads added 2004-06-18

Replies of 3

Skoobs added 2004-09-08
dunno if you are still around Ads, but http://www.seaoptics.com.au may be able to help.


ads added 2004-09-11
thanks skoobs. havent tried them yet.

octopulse added 2004-12-16
Just been surfing looking for custom housing manufacturers. I came across these guys in queensland. The housings look well made and they say they can customise: http://www.oceanearth.com/



Replies of 3

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