Advance Course?

Hi Guys
I'm new to this discussion forum so I'm unsure whether this has been brought up before.

The other day I couldn't dive with the usual people I dive with so I joined another group of 3 students and 1 instructor on their PADI Advanced course. The instructor is an old dive buddy.

I'm only Open Water certified but I have been diving regulary for many years (over 150 dives). I've concidered doing the Advance Course a few times but I hate the thought of sitting in a class room when I could be getting wet.

The dive was not enjoyable. The students in my opinion were not advanced divers. I spoke to one of them after the dive and he told me he just completed his 12th dive.

I have absolutely no issue with divers wishing to better themselves through courses but I do believe that the Diving organisations should not hand out Advance certifications to divers who in my opinion are not yet advanced.

Advance courses are great but there should be a prerequisite to have completed a certain number of dives in different situations.

What do you think?

Contributed by Mongrel added 2004-02-06

Replies of 5

Wandy Hochgrebe added 2004-02-07
Hi there,

I couldn't agree more. And I am sure that there are more people out there who think the same. I do know plenty of people that only have their Open Water and are great divers and instructors that have not ever experienced things like a beach entry, waves, cooler water (ie less than 24 degrees) etc.

Sometimes people are pushed into doing an advanced dive course by the shops. Or when divers are told they can only do this and this dive if they have their advanced ticket....this certainly implies that with an advanced ticket you are such a better diver, right? Experience does not really seem to matter, more the money that people are willing to spend.

There are certification agencies that do have a system that makes sure people become good divers before they are certified. BSAC for example. And CMAS does want you to log a certain number of dives at different depths over a set time before you can do their next course and their initial course is much more intense than some of the ones taught here in Australia. I guess some agencies are worried that it turns people away.

However, I did have a lot of fun during my (PADI and NASDS) courses and I was told useful stuff that made me a better diver. Still in the end experience has taught me my limits and I enjoy diving despite not being an instructor or even a divemaster.


Ric Mingramm added 2004-04-07

I took me 10 years to do my Advanced Course and another 15 to do the next one.

My issues are many divers go from open water to advance and they still haven't mastered basic open water skills. On my course 15 years ago only 2 of the 6 of us had been diving over 1 year (the other old timer had been diving 2 years longer than me).

Having said that I think accreditation and further accreditation does make you a better diver - and it hones many of the skills that we forget or haven't used for years.

I have just finished my Enriched Air (Nitrox) course, and must say when I dug up my PADI Tables they were in feet - so I went off to buy a new one (and aren't they cheap!) - but the last time I looked at them I probably had hair!

But the need to go over it again in the Nitrox course refreshed my skills.

Keep it wet.
Belinda added 2004-05-20
Hello Mongrel,

Unfortunately the ADANCED OPEN WATER COURSE in my opinion is named incorrectly.. it doesnt mean you are at an advanced level but provides people no matter how many dives they have completed, with a greater knowledge of diving and diving environments.

FOR EXAMPLE, I have dived for over 10 years and have dived many times with people with over 250 dives under their belt, but with still no clue as how to navigate correctly underwater, or an understanding on how a deep dive (over 18 meters) can effect you physically or mentally under the water. The Advanced openwater course deals with these two core dives and 3 elective dives which can be as simple as Fish identification ect.

So i must say I do agree with you that some people who complete an advanced course are by no means advanced divers in the true sense of the word, although they are advancing themselves in their personal diving experience. For it to be called an advanced Openwater course then maybe more than 5 dives in total (1 adventure dive of each chosen category) is needed. Maybe OPen Water plus is more appropriate.

Secondly, The Advanced course is designed so you spend very very little time in the classroom, no exams etc.. When I did my course, we did most of our theory before and after the dives..

Anyway I hope you do do the course,, I found it really enjoyable and learnt to do things that I would have otherwise not known

Good luck


Mongrel added 2004-07-06
Hi Guys

Well I've finally did it. I did my Advance Course.

For $350 I did 5 dives and now have a PADI ticket.


diver Pat added 2005-03-20
Hi to all ;

i completed my ow in a class of thee people, second being my wife and one other 07/04
so you can see im new to diving.. not two months later, i asked if i could do do my advanced. I was asked why?
my reasons were for self confidence, building my skills, if for anyone. for myself. i needed the complete attention of the instructor ( i was still very nervous after my OW ) of nothing in particular but my own ability to rely on myself to get me out of trouble.
E.G during my OW i wouldnt leave my buddies side i stuck to them like glue. i was relying on for spare air, i couldnt relax. after my advanced and even now im comfortable and self reliant and i am aware where my buddy is and im comfortable with him / her being more than arms reach away from me?
now i look around making sure they are OK for there own good as a buddy should and nothing to do with their spare occy.

i didnt mind paying the money for the one on one attention
yes that right my advance course was myself and the instructor. it was just the way it turned out i didnt ask for it.
i now have 24 dive up my wet suit. Just a puddle compared to the above people. i dont see my self as an advanced diver but i have advance from where i satrted. But we started at the beginning.

I do agree it is incorrectly named but maybe they could have another course in between like OW-1 but alot of other divers may think this is just another way for your L.D.S to make money.

that my twenty cents worth anyway

Replies of 5

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