Dive Work in Australia


I am not necessarily new to diving but am looking to make a step into the dive industry.

I am a UK resident but have been living and working in Sydney for the last 18 months. I am currently sponsored on a business visa and my posting is due to end in May 04. I have been working as a DM on weekends in Sydney for the last 6 months pretty much just in organising and leading group dives but I will be concentrating on building up some retail experience as well which can only help me in making this transition.

I want to do my instructor course after my post has finished but would also like to get as much experience as an instructor as possible while I can remain in Australia. I have read on other sites about internships and this would seem to be the best way for me to gain experience. My biggest issues though are over visas and costs.

Firstly, I believe I can only remain in Australia on a tourist visa for a max of 3 months. Secondly, the cost of paying for the course, additional insurance, one or two items of equipment i.e. a dive computer plus living expenses for this period looks pretty dire.

Are there many centres who would exchange work services to cover costs for at least some of these items. That way I can remain off of payrol, gain invaluable experience and we are all happy. I am sure that some centres provide accomodation in return for work but as for the other costs???

The most important issue as I see it is being able to gain the experience with the centre I train with. I really really don't want to be the Brit abroad looking for dive jobs as a newly qualified instructor, trained in Australia and with no accreditations....

Contributed by Marc added 2004-02-05

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