Mystery eggcase

When I went diving earlier this year (beginning of May) me and my buddy found this egg case:

It was about 6 - 8 cm in diameter and looked sandy (we didn't touch it), but later when I found a similar thing on the beach it actually felt rubbery and was quite flexible and strong. Location: Julian Rocks, Byron Bay. Depth: 10 meters.

Who could tell me what creature constructed this (probably a mollusc of some kind)?


Contributed by Wandy Hochgrebe added 2003-09-04

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Giac Cavazzini added 2003-09-29
I see them all the time. All up and down the east coast.
I think it could be excrement out of the back end of a mollusc rather than an egg case.
Just a thought.
Some are quite small a few centimetres across and some up to say 10cms.

Wandy Hochgrebe added 2003-12-18 looks a bit too organised to be some excrement

Anyway, I have been in contact with someone from the Southern Cross Uni who confirmed it was an egg case, probably from some species of moon snail (Naticidae).


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