Port Hedland

Port Hedland is a unique blend of resource industrialisation and incredible natural wonders, from modern state of the art technology operating the giant BHP facilities to the many birds and wildlife that maintain their habitat within the salt and iron ore stock piles.

A tour of the BHP Iron Ore facilities at Nelson Point will give you a good idea of the size and world-wide importance of the industry.

Port Hedland offers a variety of accommodation and shopping options, as well as excellent fishing and the opportunity for whale watching and to see turtles nesting.

Text courtesy of Western Australian Tourism Commission - www.westernaustralia.net

In the Directory

Underwater Recommendations

Port Hedland is one of the best places in Australia to see some sea snakes. Plenty of turtle and rays form part of the rich marine ecology. Some shallow wrecks can be found at 12 - 15 meters depth. The large tidal currents mean you have to be spot on, but it is definitely worth it!

In the Directory



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