
Blowhole at Kiama - Photo courtesy of ATDW

Of the coastal resorts south of Sydney, Kiama (located 90 minutes south of Sydney) is probably the most attractive. A small resort and fishing town, Kiamais famous for its star attraction, the Blowhole.

Stemming from a natural fault in the cliffs, the blowhole explodes into a water spout when a wave hits with sufficient force. Whether your interest is in history, arts & crafts, fishing,riding a wave, its all located in Kiama. The name Kiama is derived from the Aboriginal word meaning 'wherethe sea makes a noise', a reference to the towns Blowhole.

Other attractions include:
- Spectacular Lookouts. Spectacular lookouts include Saddleback Mountain (7 kms south-west of Kiama and 600 metres above sea-level), and Kingsford Smith Memorial Lookout at Gerroa overlooking Seven Mile Beach and National Park.
-Minnamurra Rainforest. Budderoo National Park features a boardwalk allowing visitors to walk through and experience the forest habitat (wheelchair accessible).

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Kiama beach - Photo courtesy of Tourism NSW
Coastal views - Photo courtesy of ATDW
Lighthouse - Photo courtesy of ATDW

Underwater Recommendations

The famous Blow Hole at Kiama can be dived if conditions are right. There are a number of other shore dives as well. Weedy Seadragons live in the kelp beds. Other life includes Rock Lobsters, Silver Trevally, snapper, bream, Blue Devilfish, and a few species of Leatherjackets.

Getting There

Located in the Illawarra, 122kms south of Sydney, 37kms south of Wollongong. You can get there by rail from Sydney. Interstate coaches travel daily connecting Sydney to Melbuorne via Princes Highway.

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