
Encounter with a Whale Shark - Photo courtesy of Western Australia Tourism Commission

Exmouth is a place where you can explore beautiful national parks, encounter an elusive sail fish as it soars high into the cloudless sky or stroll along white sandy beaches that go forever. A place where you can discover ancient gorges on safari, explore an underwater kingdom teeming with life, meet up with a whale shark, or simply bask in the glorious sunshine where winter never comes.

Excellent year round fishing and beach weather have made Exmouth a popular tourist destination. Exmouth boasts some of the world's finest and most accessible coral reef. Exmouth is situated right alongside the Cape Range National Park and Ningaloo Reef Marine Park.

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Underwater Recommendations

From mid-March to mid-May each year, visitors from all around the world converge on Ningaloo for the experience of a lifetime - diving with the awesome whale shark, the world's biggest species of fish. Ningaloo Reef is the only easily-accessible place in the world where these giants appear in large numbers at predictable times of the year. Whale sharks reach more than 12 metres long and weigh more than eleven tonnes. You do not even have to be a scuba diver to swim with these massive animals.

Exmouth or Coral Bay are also perfect places to view the mass coral spawning, a three day event that begins a week or so after the full moon during March and April. Each night, many species of coral suddenly release millions of bright pink egg and sperm bundles which float to the surface of the water, as though engaging in a spectacular underwater dance.

The navy pier at Point Murat has been rated in the top ten dives in Australia by Scuba Diver magazine. Threadfin pearl perch hover amongst the pylons, while huge Queensland groper, weighing up to 150 kilograms, cruise by. The pylons are alive with a wide variety of fish and invertebrate life. The 'cod hole', offshore at the Muiron Islands, is another magnificent dive. The limestone reef in the deeper water, is covered in thousands of golden cardinalfish. Large potato cod are frequently seen there.

The best time to dive in Exmouth is between April and November, avoiding the high temperatures and southerly winds experienced during summer.

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The Fantastic Exmouth Camp : 2005The Fantastic Exmouth Camp : 2005
Leaving at 6.30 in the morning for two days driving was a tough ask for some. "Where's Paris" was the question. My response was "In France", "No, Where's Paris Knight?", "In France when it's dark!". Some people are just not morning people I was quickly coming to understand.
Peer Pressure - an article for the novice diverPeer Pressure - an article for the novice diver
We had recently completed our Open Water Dive Course. My partner and I couldn't wait for our planned 6 day dive-holiday, on the beautiful Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia.
Underwater Card 2