
The city of Bunbury has emerged as a vibrant regional centre, where visitors can get close to nature at the Dolphin Discovery Centre - or simply sit and relax over coffee and cake at one of the al fresco coffee shops which have sprung up in the centre of the city.

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Underwater Recommendations

Bunbury does have some exiting dive sites for those who are prepared to look. Approximately two kilometres straight out from the surf club is a ring reef that is home to the elusive leafy sea dragon and striped cat fish. The reefs around Bunbury are mostly Basalt and fairly low lying, and brittle so you have to take care. Horrendous amounts of Western rock lobster are caught here each year but the population doesn't seem to stop growing. A beach entry site south of Bunbury called The Huts is the most popular boat launch spot. (4wd only).

Dive the 'Lena', a Russian fishing vessel captured while illegally fishing for Patagonian Toothfish and scuttled in 2003. Discover the marine life that is slowly appearing, such as bullseyes, Samsonfish, batfish, kingfish and bream.

The Dolphin Discovery Centre at Bunbury informs its visitors on the Koombana Bay dolphins. They also have a Loggerhead rescue program going.

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