Apollo Australia Pty Ltd

Apollo Australia
PO Box 391,
Winston Hills, NSW, Australia
(61) 2 9620 9577
(61) 2 9620 9744
Last Updated

2012-10-13 09:00:00

Apollo Australia Pty Ltd

We are an international team. Our research and design facilities are turning ideas into state-of-the-art diving equipment.

Apollo maintains open-water test and service centres. We are constantly evaluating all our products for wear, reliability and consistent performance.

Above all, we are committed to excellence. We create. Look for our products at select Professional Dive Stores world wide. Join us. When you buy APOLLO dive equipment you buy our service. We are committed to providing products that perform well dive after dive, year after year. We think the reason people buy performance equipment is because it works better, and lasts longer.

WIN an APOLLO drysuit or a brand new 5 mega pixel SeaLife digital camera in housing in the underwater.com.au 2005-06 photocomp.


The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse
I thought my eyes were deceiving me. All I could make out was a little white fish resembling a seahorse, no bigger than a 50-cent piece. Yet it was so elaborately disguised I literally bumped into it head first.....
Seaslugs - Part I. Headshield slugs and Sea hares. Seaslugs - Part I. Headshield slugs and Sea hares.
I have compiled a sequential account of the five main seaslug orders, supported by photographic records and some likely Sydney dive sites to encounter members of each order.
Apollo Australia
PO Box 391,
Winston Hills, NSW, Australia
(61) 2 9620 9577
(61) 2 9620 9744
Last Updated

2012-10-13 09:00:00

Underwater Card 2