Aquaventures PNG

Lesley or Tim
Jais Aben Resort ,
Madang, Madang, Papua New Guinea
(675) 853 3123
(675) 853 3123
Last Updated

2012-10-13 09:00:00

Aquaventures PNG

Aquaventures PNG is based in Madang on the North Coast of PNG offering a full range of diving from introctory to experienced.

Day boats with a max of 8 pax per boat to dive sites within 15 mins of the resort or Liveaboard adventures and dive courses.

Our staff has over 20 years experience to help make your experience a special one.



Training Level:

Up to and including Instructor

Sites Visited:

Walls, passages, pinaccles and wrecks. Muck and blue water



Madang Madness Madang Madness
How in god's name could "HE" have created such wonderful place and then kept it hidden away from all us mortals for so long? The crystal clear water, schools of big fish and warm tropical days all concealed from the world simply by a 12-hr flight back in time.
Diving Papua New Guinea - New Ireland Diving Papua New Guinea - New Ireland
Part two of a series of three article about diving in Papua New Guinea. Two hours flight north-east of Port Moresby, with a 10-minute stop in West New Britain near the site of PNG’s last volcanic eruption, lies Kavieng, the capital of New Ireland province.
Lesley or Tim
Jais Aben Resort ,
Madang, Madang, Papua New Guinea
(675) 853 3123
(675) 853 3123
Last Updated

2012-10-13 09:00:00

Underwater Card 2